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Resort Tskneti
Tbilisi is surrounded by slopes having sound climate and magnificent scenery and creating favorable conditions for formation of the resort areas in suburbia. Among those resorts are Tskhneti, Kojori, Kiketi, Betania, Gombori, Martkopi, Manglisi. Taking into account proximity to Tbilisi and natural therapeutic factors, importance of each of them is rising. Tskhneti is located 8 km away from downtown Tbilisi, on the Eastern slope of Trialeti mountain range, in the gorge of river Vere. It has been known from the Annals as a recess area. Intensive development started here at the end of XIX century, while resort infrastructure was constructed during Soviet period. At this time Tskhneti general development plan was made up. In 1935-36 this resort was artificially vegetated with coniferous species; in 1938 the first children’s health center, students camp, orphanage, out-patient clinic and other facilities were built. Since 1960-1970 Tskhneti has become the first class suburban resort area for Tbilisi. At this period government rest-houses were also constructed. In summer heatwave Tskhneti is always cool that ensures comfortable conditions for discharging warmth by the human body. This is the case not only thanks to difference of elevation above sea level. The ideal ventilation of the venue, regular cooling activities of local winds and green veil have a restraining influence on the temperature of air. Many-year observations on the impact of the local environment on human bodies firmly prove that it has high therapeutic merits with reference of many diseases and especially children’s ailments. Tskhenti has great importance in revitalizing vigor of the body after undergoing acute diseases. At present there are primarily private residences and rest houses on the territory of the resort. Two health centers operate in summertime.
Location: Northern slope of Trialeti mountain range
Distance: 15 km from Tbilisi center
Elevation above Sea level: 800-1100 m
Landscape: resembling terraces
Climate: low and middle mountain (lower belt) climate, winter moderately cold with few snowfalls, mean temperature in January 2 degrees centigrade; summer moderately dry, warm, mean temperature in August 20 degrees centigrade
Mean annual amount of precipitation: 550-650 mm
Mean annual comparative air humidity: 67%
Duration of annual sunny light: 2100 h.
Natural treatment factor: lower belt low and middle mountain climate Types of treatment: passive climate therapy
Diseases for treatment: TB of lymphatic glands, chronic bronchitis and pleuritis, secondary deficiency of blood, alimentary disorders, malaria, rachitis, bronchial asthma, convalescence.

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