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Resort Zvare
Municipality of Kharagauli is situated in the ultimate Eastern part of Imereti. Its mountainous territory hypsometrically lies on the height of 285-2642 m. Historically Kharagauli was part of Argveti Saeristavo and ancient transit Great Silk Road. On the territory of today’s Kharagauli was discovered a place where caravans took a recess en route to their destinations. During rest time big amounts of victuals (‘khoragi’ in Georgian) were collected in the gorge. Sobriquet of ‘Khoragauli’ comes from this word which later changed its form and became ‘Kharagauli’. Since 1872 Kharagauli became one of the stations on Poti-Tbilisi railway line. In the course of railway track construction works a lot of structures were built. Among them was railway tunnel Tsipi and a bridge across river Zvarula.
On September 3, 1890, festive inauguration of the tunnel was honored by the presence of the Russian emperor, Alexander III. To commemorate the event, even a coin was minted in the Russian empire. 24 km away from Kharagauli, on the border of villages of
Zvare and Chrdili, is located climatic and spa resort of Zvare. Discovery of mineral water is linked with an animal. At the site of today’s water outlet, water pools used to appear and domestic animals frequented them. Residents also got interested and in the 30-ies of the XX century research works were conducted which proved that Zvare water had medicinal properties. During decades mineral water ‘Zvare’ was very popular. In 1980, at the Olympic Games held in Moscow, it was given a status of an official drink for the sportsmen.
Location: frontline of the Likhi (Surami) range
Distance: 25 km from Kharagauli, 80 km from Kutaisi, 205 km from Tbilisi.
Sea level: 750-800 m
Landscape: mountainous
Climate: subtropical, winter mild, nearly without snow, mean temperature in January 0,3 degrees centigrade; summer warm, moderately humid, mean temperature in August 21 degrees centigrade
Average annual precipitation: 1150-1200 mm
Average comparative annual humidity: 73%
Duration of annual sunny light: 2200-2300 h.
Natural treatment factors: subtropical climate of low mountains, and nitrogen, methane, slightly sulfide, silicon, chloride-hydro-carbonate, sodium (and calcium- sodium) mineral waters with general mineralization 0,2-0,4 g/dm3;
Discharge: 20 thousand l/day
Types of therapy: mineral water baths, passive climate therapy
Diseases for treatment: gall bladder and digestion system diseases (chronic gastritis, pancreatitis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, chronic hepatitis and cholecystitis).

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