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Wine Tourism Association
Wine Tourism Association
Category: Tourism and non-governmental organizations
Region: Tbilisi
Address: No Information
Phone: +995 591 70 08 91


About Company:


The organization is presented as a non-commercial legal entity, which is directed to support wine tourism development in Georgia, participate in wine tourism projects and activities and collaborate with governmental organizations, as well as sharing experience and vision with the initial stage units and engage them in sustainable tourism development.

Wine Tourism Association has a wide range of partners and supporters: Georgian governmental organizations (National Tourism Administration, National Wine Agency), international organizations (including The United Nations World Tourism Organization); Hotels; Food companies; Wine companies, Wine bars and restaurants; Educational institutions, tourism and other private companies. Association members and advisers are wine and tourism sector representatives.



Create business environment in wine tourism sector, support qualification and awareness rising, as well as maintain business expansion and information exchange.


·         Opportunity of mutual intercourse with business representatives, who have common ideals and values.

·         Opportunity of participation in activities and programs, organized by the association.

·         Opportunity of establishing relationship between foreign and local tour operators.

·         Professional consultation and political advocacy.

·         Opportunity to expand business and partners’ circle.

Membership Candidates:

·         Applicants, who wish to start business activities in wine tourism.

·         Wine tourism direction operational units, such as: hotels, restaurants, wine bars, travel and wine companies and etc.

·         Various associations and individuals.

Terms of Membership:

·         Those, who wish to join the association, should fill in the application form.

·         Association founders and board members take decision about new membership.

·         After the board approval, online notice is sent to a new member;

·         After membership fee payment, new member is considered as the member of wine tourism association.

·         Membership fee can be paid twice a year, in equal shares.

·         Association membership can be cancelled through a written application.


Bank account details:

Recipient: Wine Tourism Association

ID code: 405077768

Bank:  TBCBGE 22

Acc/N: GE10 TB70 2143 6080 1000 08


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11 January, 2016

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