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European Union and Georgia Approve Renovated Association Agreement Agenda for 2017-2020 Years
24 November, 2017

European Union and Georgia have approved the revised Association agreement agenda for 2017-2020 years.

The new document is based on the 2014-2016 Association Agreement agenda and it contains the agreed priorities that should be fulfilled in DCFTA implementation process.

The revised agenda will maintain practical framework for EU-Georgia political association and economic integration.

The agenda determines a large-scale program of reforms of the coming years.

The document covers a wide range of issues, namely, strengthening democratic institutions, rule of law, independence of court system, human rights supremacy, cooperation in foreign and security policy and peaceful resolution of conflicts, including, a special chapter will be dedicated to DCFTA space and cooperation in the field such as power system, transport, employment and social policy.

In the agenda implementation process, EU will continue supporting Georgia in various ways, namely, with financial assistance, technical experts and advises, information exchange and so on.

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