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7 Million International Travelers – Tourism Growth Pace is High in Georgia
05 December, 2017

International travelers of 6,954,932 visited Georgia through 11 months; the rate is 1 million more (18.4%) comparing to the previous year.

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the number of visitors, who stayed 24 hours and more in Georgia, amounted to 3,243,963. The figure is 701,371 more comparing to January-November of 2016 (growth + 27.6%).

In terms of arrival in Georgia, the positive trend is maintained in the direction of the EU countries and the UK: United Kingdom + 39.7%, Austria + 35.6%, Netherlands + 32.7%, Spain + 30.5%, France + 29.7% and Germany + 27.4%.

Significant growth is fixed from the following countries: Jordan +327.2%, Saudi Arabia + 165.7%, Kuwait + 152.4%, Iran + 121.1%, India + 66.6%, Uzbekistan + 57.9%, China + 53.2%, US + 24.2% and others.

The largest number of visitors arrived from Azerbaijan (+ 10.9%), Armenia (+ 14.9%), Russia (+ 33.4%), Turkey (-3.2%) and Iran (+ 121.1%) in January-November, 2017.

As for November, 524,108 international travelers have arrived in Georgia, which is 64,851 more comparing to the same period of last year (growth +14.1%).

A s of November, the number of foreign travelers or travelers, who stayed 24 hours and more in Georgia, has made up 201,056, which is 36,044 more cooperating  to November, 2016 (growth + 21.8%).

In November, most of the visits were from Armenia (+ 7.2%), Azerbaijan (+ 11.2%), Turkey (+ 6.8%), Russia (+ 35.2%) and Iran (+ 92.5%).

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