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Kindgi is a climatic and spa resort located in Ochamchira municipality, 20 km away from district center.
Hyper-thermal geysers of 100 degrees and more temperature flow out on the surface of its territory. Nowadays here operates a complex of pools and natural ‘showers’. On the brinks of pools where water pours, cure-mud is formed and is used for treatment of musculoskeletal system as well as various gynecological diseases.
Other than mineral waters, Ochamchira municipality is rich with architectural monuments and natural wonders. Among them antique settlement of Gyenos ruins is distinguished. It is supposed that Ochamchira was built on the spot of this ancient town. Noteworthy are also Abrskili cave, excellent specimens of early medieval Georgian architecture – Mokvi, Bedia and Ilori Cathedrals and others.
Mokvi Cathedral was erected by the Abkhazian king, Leon III, in 967-975 at the confluence of rivers Mokvistskali and Dvabi. In Middle Ages manuscripts and their copies were made in the Cathedral. Exactly here was created exceptional monument of the Georgian culture – Mokvi Gospel dating to 1301 housed today in the depository of the National Manuscript Center of Georgia.
Remarkable monument of the Georgian architecture of XI century, single-nave Ilori St. George Church, under the auspices of the existing de-facto Abkhazian government underwent restoration works – outer façade was entirely and interior partially painted in white, and surviving 5 stones on the Eastern façade with ancient Georgian inscriptions were plastered. Roofing of the Church was also changed and Georgian-style dome was replaced by a strictly different one.
On the Southern slope of Kodori ridge, on the territory of village of Otapa, 32 km from Ochamchira is located Abrskili cave. The cavity of more than 2 km horizontal depth consists of more than 10 halls. The moniker of the cave derives from Abrskili, hero with Goliath power and perspicacious mind-set, warrior against evil and filth, who was chained with his stallion against huge stalactite by evil god. With the help of the people the hero unchained himself and continued his crusade against evil and injustice. The locals today show a huge boulder near the entrance to the cave that as they believe has vivid image of a footprint of mythological hero’s horseshoe.
Location: Black Sea lowland
Distance: 410 km away from Tbilisi
Sea level: 40 m
Landscape: plain
Climate: maritime, humid subtropical, winter very mild, without snow, mean temperature in January 5 degrees centigrade; summer very warm, mean temperature in August 23 degrees centigrade
Average annual precipitation: 1000-1200 mm
Average comparative annual humidity: 76%
Annual average number of sunlight hours: 2100 h.
Natural treatment factors: maritime, subtropical climate and hyper-thermal (73 degrees) hydro-carbonate-chloride, sodium-calcium mineral waters, with general mineralization 1,6-1,9 g/dm3
Types of therapy: mineral water baths and passive climate therapy
Diseases for treatment: food digestion system diseases (gastritis, enterocolitis, hepatitis, pancreatitis), disfunction of urinary and sexual system, musculoskeletal system pathologies, arthritis and arthrosis; as well as gynecological and some skin diseases, including psoriasis and eczema.


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