Attraction: Takhti-Tepha is an inorganic natural monument that occupies 1 hectare and consists of bubbling mud craters erupting from the ground. It is located to the south of Dali water reservoir, paralel to Takhti-Tepha mountain range. The craters, along with small open vents are constantly active, erupting mud, oil and gas. The length of the pedestrian path to Takhti-Tepha is 0.5 km or 30 minutes. The total area of the natural monument is 9.7 ha.
How to get there: The largest settlment near the natural monument is the town of Dedoplistskaro, which is located 130 km away from Tbilisi. The road is paved. The road from Dedoplistskaro to the natural monument is 37 km. The road to the Dali water reservoir (Iori River) is a gravel road and after passing over the reservoir, 15 km of the road is a dirt road.
Tbilisi - Dedoplistskaro - 2 hours;
Dedoplistskaro - Takhti-Tepha - 1 hour.
Coordinates: X 570695 Y4566331
Where to stay:the ideal option would be to stay overnight in Dedoplistskaro, where it is possible to stay at a guesthouse or a hotel. It is also possible to spend the night in the Dali mountain hunting farm, which is located 45 km away from Dedoplistskaro
Guest house in Dedoplistskaro:
,,Megzuri’’ – 97 Megobroba St, Dedoplistskaro;
Contact information: Neli Gobejishvili +995 599 19 63 35 (40 Gel, including breakfast)
,,Pirosmani’’- 8 Pushkin St, Dedoplistskaro
Contact: Zura Kazarashvili +995 558 58 55 77 (70 Gel, with breakfast)..
Contact Information:
Vashlovani Protected Areas Administration
Visitors Service Specialist: Nino Seturidze Tel: 577 10 18 49