Tbilisi water pool is placed to the east of the city, at the very end of Iori highland. It was created in the beginning of the 50-ies of the XX century on the site of several small ponds. Pool gets its feed primarily from river Iori which is supplied through main Samgori channel.
The area of Tbilisi sea is 11.6 sq. km, and maximal depth is 45 meters. Pool was mainly created for domestic and irrigation purposes due to which the level of water in it seasonally changes. In summer months it has minimal level. The spread of water levels in the pool amounts to 10 meters.
The temperature of Tbilisi sea has rather significant swings (average 180C). It does not freeze but is characterized by roughness and freezing of beach or thin surface. In July and August water warms up to +260C and due to it attracts lots of vacationers. In recent years Tbilisi sea has turned into an important recreational facility of the capital of Georgia.
100 Sights of Georgia