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Likhi Slope
Shida Kartli

Likhi Slope is located between wes­tern and eastern Georgia, 120 km from Tbilisi. It is an important geographic barrier. It lies on the boundary of moist and dry subtropical areas, catchment areas of rivers flowing to Black and Caspian seas, several historical and geographic provinces. Likhi slope connects also the Greater Kavkasioni range and the Lesser Kavkasioni range. Its highest summit is peak Ribisi located 2471 meters above the sea level. On the western knees of the range is geographic center of Georgia.

Likhi mountain range extends on 100 km and tectonically it consists of several parts. Northern part belongs to Kavkasioni, central part – to Dzirula crystal massif, and southern – to Lesser Kavkasioni. Both in western and in eastern parts of mountains the volume of precipitation increases in staggering pace, and in the high part (roughly 1200 mm) it nearly doubles.

This situation causes diversity of landscape. Within its borders there are several types of landscapes that are evident when we approach and cross the range.

Likhi slope is noted for wind resources. Here, in the vicinity of peak Sabueti (1248 m) was accounted the highest annual average wind speed in Georgia – 8 m/sec.

Local residents artistically depict the importance of Likhi slope: Likhi slope is mother of Georgia, whose one teat sucks river Mtkvari, and another – river Rioni. Drop of water on its summit splits in two parts – one flows to Black sea, and another half to Caspian sea.

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