Необходимая информацияРазмещениеМедицинский и оздоровительный туризм ПитаниеВинный и агротуризм Туристические фирмы и организацииРазвлеченияДеловой туризмРегиональное самоуправление
Категория: Туризм и неправительственные организации
Район: Тбилиси
Адрес: Нет информации
Телефон: +995 577 44 49 84
We are couple of enthusiastic men from Georgian Republic (Caucasus). Our goal is to develop Fly Fishing “culture” in our country, and founded Georgian Fly Fishing club (GFFC)- with school of fly fishing & fly tying.
Just 10-15 people knew here about Fly Fishing about 3 months ago, and half of them never held the fly rod in hands. But now we become twice larger in number.
We are proud that our first steps was successful, which was including promotion of fly fishing and fly tying.
Our main goals are to attract little Generation in advantages of healthy life, protect the nature and treat the beautiful waters of Georgia!.
We are pleased to have a chance to become, to a member of such a big family as EFFA, and ready to apply all required documents and expenses followed association procedure’s.
Thank for spending your time.
Hopefully – Secretary General of Georgian Fly Fishing club.
Tbilisi, Georgia.
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