Dear Nominees!
We would like to remind you about the second part of the assessment - ON-LINE VOTING on the website of the Welcome to Georgia! National Tourism Awards for all Awards' Nominees who have been registered for participation in the Award.
ON-LINE VOTING: starting from 21st of September till 05th of October, 2016
The list of all nominees is published on the Award's website.
Your guests and customers are welcome to vote for you. One person can vote once for each nominee. Welcome to Georgia! National Tourism Award grants you the Nominee's widget via individual cabinet. You can place the widget in your website or Facebook. You should ensure yourself that your target audience is informed regarding the voting and vote for you.
To your attention! Please, make sure that:
• Your logo placed on the website of the Welcome to Georgia! Awards
• Written the correct name of your company
• The correct link is pinned at your logo
The Independent Auditor of the Award will calculate the number of points awarded to each nominee (points awarded by the Jury Expert Board plus the number of votes from the on-line voting) and determines the finalists and the winner in each nomination.
The winners will be announced at the Welcome to Georgia! National Tourism Awards Official Ceremony at the Biltmore Hotel Tbilisi on December 2nd, 2016.
Once again, we would like to remind you about all key dates:
• Providing materials for assessment: till 30th of September, 2016
• On-line Voting: starting since 21st of September till 5th of October, 2016
• National Tourism Awards Ceremony: December 2nd, 2016
Wishing all our participants good luck and success!