-Please, describe your company in a few words.
-The idea of opening a hotel arose, when heavy social and economic situation was overwhelming the country. Despite those difficulties, quite many tourists used to arrive in Telavi in that period.
The existing hotels were annihilated. Several guesthouses opened. It was evident that the city needed a hotel and valuable hotel services.
And we decided to launch this difficult business. We faced many problems with financial resources, 2008 post-war period, staff selection process... Finally, we managed to implement the project and the hotel has been operating for two years. Our key objective was to provide our guests with family environment and top quality hotel services. The appellation was selected by this principle – Sweet Home.
- What are your plans for the nearest 5-10 years? Do you plan to expand your business?
-We plan to expand our hotel, namely, to build the second building for a conference hall and outdoor swimming pool.
-Have you obtained recognition on international and domestic markets, achievements, certificates and so on?

- Please, describe briefly the current obstacles in the tourism field and what is your vision for overcoming these problems?
-Hotel service tariffs are very high in Georgia because of high taxes. It is desirable that in offseason period similar facilities be exempted from VAT. It is also important to more popularize cities and regions and Telavi genuinely lacks for similar perception. Infrastructure should be also set in order.
-What is your opinion on the Welcome to Georgia – National Award?
-This is a very good undertaking. First of all, companies are able to discover each other and set up partnership relations. Moreover, each company becomes more popular and perceptible.
-How would you appraise the 2016 tourism season?
-The tourist inflows has increased considerably as compared to 2015, especially from European and Baltic countries.