Indian Civil Aviation Minister Gajapat Raju had a meeting with Vice Prime Minister, Dimitri Kusrashvili in the frame of business visit in Georgia.
They discussed Georgian-Indian economical collaboration issues in trade, transportation, investments, tourism, information technologies and etc.
Prime Minister positively evaluated Georgian-Indian trade-economic relations and noted that there is a potential to increase it. He says that mutual trade with India increases. In 2016, 9 months statistics showed that business volume with India has increased with 27%. At the same time, export to India has increased with 29%. One of the most important Indian investments is 700 million USD which was invested to build up hydro electro station in Ajara.
In 2016, there were 27 790 visitors from India, which was 232 % more compared to previous year.
There is a good collaboration in aviation field between Georgia and India and direct flights will promote development of tourism as well as deepening relations in trade, investments and etc.