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Valerian Shiukashvili piano recital
12 October, 2017

World's Best Musicians at the Restaurant “Buddha Bar”!

Season Opening: Valerian Shiukashvili piano recital!

The concert program consists the works by Beethoven, Chopin, Liszt; Dolidze and Babajanian.

October 20th; 21:00 pm

His creation is worshiped by the world's political and religious leaders, sportsmen, cinema and music stars. "His note speaks, his technique is flawless and fascinating," - say the audience.

One of the world’s top pianist Valerian Shiukashvili is strongly convincing, interesting and acceptable by his own special interpretation. The pianist has a filigree touch to every sound, and therefore his performance is always an emotional firework. At the age of twelve accidentally discovered young talent performs Mozart’s Piano Concerto No. 23 at his very first international competition, and there begins his recognition. Up to this day Shiukashvili is considered to be one of Mozart's best performers.

At 21:00 on October 20th you’ll have the opportunity to listen to the world piano star Valerian Shiukashvili in a completely different setting at the Restaurant "Buddha Bar”. You’ll enjoy the musician, who, by an income, received from his performance, gave a chance to become a future stars to more than 200 Georgian children.

Ticket price for per person is 50, 70, 80 GEL.

Ticket includes "Welcome Drink"

Tickets are available at Restaunrant "Buddha-Bar" and


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