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„Amphorhea“ - art in clay
28 June, 2018
Social enterprise Amphorhea creates handmade, original and varied items. The enterprise includes two spaces, in particular a ceramic workshop and a store.

The enterprise was founded in November, 2017 by the “Rhea” Union with the funding of the “Tree of Life” of the Bank of Georgia.

Target segment of the enterprise consumers are diverse, except the local residents, the tourists constantly visit the store, who like the Amphorhea’s creative products very much and do not spare their positive emotions while making a purchase. The qualitative products of “Amphorhea” are made by white clay and is indeed different. The majority of the products are just “one”, as the illustrations are created by the instant inspiration of the beneficiaries and are not duplicated. 

2 of the 7 people employed at the enterprise are with developmental disabilities (PWD). With them 4 more intellectually disabled young people are involved in the process of production.

It is noteworthy that the teachers and employees of the ceramics workshop were mastered by the famous Georgian ceramics specialists. This significantly increased the assortment of the products, manufactured here and their quality.

The beneficiaries were able to realize their capabilities, developed their handicraft skills and got employed. They have a source of income.

The income from the enterprise is used to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities, further development of their handicraft skills and their employment.


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