In the village of Shalauri, Telavi Municipality, in the old cellar, former basketball player Vladimer Boisa started winemaking a few years ago and created the brand "Boisa".
Vladimir Boisa talked to the "business partner" about the company's development plans. He said that like many other sectors, the pandemic had a negative impact on the wine business.
According to Boisa, the sales of wine made in 100-year-old pitchers according to the Georgian tradition have been reduced by about 80% in the local market, the situation is better in terms of exports. Wine "Boisa" is sold in Slovenia, from where it is already sold in several countries around the world.
"I am well known in Slovenia and I want to be an ambassador of Georgian wine in Slovenia," Boisa said.
The company currently makes wine only from Rkatsiteli and Saperavi grapes. The former athlete owns about half a hectare of vineyard. The annual production of the company is 4000 bottles.