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Resort Babanuri
Nature of Shuakhevi municipality is characterized by unique biological multiplicity. The rarest endemic species of plants: oak, chestnut, hornbeam, maple, ash-tree, beech, lime-tree, elm-tree, pine, spruce, rhododendron, blueberry, cherry-laurel, rhododendron ponticum are
gathered here. A hunting season is under way in the fall and winter and the animals which are hunted are boar, rabbit, badger and marten. The world of birds is also diverse: woodpecker, thrush, cuckoo, partridge, black cock, Eurasian woodcock. There are many species of commercial importance in the river Adjaristskali and its tributaries: trout, common barbell, goby and others. Shuakhevi stands out for its lavish supply of therapeutic and thermal waters. There are many outlets of mineral waters: springs of mineral waters in Shambaleti,
Lamazmare, Batalvake, Gudna, Bogili, Tkemalta, Tskallampara and Uchamba are used for treatment of cardiovascular, respiratory and alimentary systems diseases. Natural and climatic conditions of alpine zone villages (Chikhuri, Jinali, Tomasheti, Sagoria, Goma) create perspectives of the development of mountain ski tourism. 24 km from Shuakhevi, near hamlet of Vani climatic and spa resort of upper belt Babanuri is situated. Its mineral waters are used for curing and preventing many ailments.
1-2. In Shuakhevi even today they make traditional wind instrument – Chiboni whithout which it is impossible to imagine Adjaran dance called Khorumi. This dance is performed only by men. The number of performing dancers should by all means be odd.
3. Arch-like bridge in Makhuntseti. Construction of roads and bridges in Adjara placed on transit roads was intensive. There are up to 25 such structures that reached these days in the whole of Adjara. They are called ‘Bridges of Tamar’, as major number of them were constructed when Tamar was a queen (XI-XII cc).
Location: Natsara-Tinte bifurcation of South-Eastern slope, Meskheti ridge, gorge of river Barataulis tskali
Sea level: 1440 m
Landscape: mountainous
Climate: middle mountainous (lower belt), moderately humid; winter moderately cold, with plenty of snow, with stable snow cover from the end of December until
mid-March; mean temperature in January -1,3 degrees centigrade; summer cool, mean temperature in August 19,9 degrees centigrade
Average annual precipitation: 1350 mm
Average comparative annual humidity: 76%
Annual average number of sunlight hours: 1900 h.
Natural treatment factors: middle mountain lower belt climate and mineral water ‘Babanuri’ – carbonate- hydrocarbonate, sodium, alkali (P-9,66) water with general mineralization 0,3-0,4 g/dm3
Types of therapy: application (drinking) and mineral water
baths, passive climate therapy Diseases for treatment: cardiovascular, respiratory and alimentary system diseases, iron-deficit anemia, diabetes mellitus, diseases caused by radioactive exposure

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