Townlet of Tsagveri is situated 20 km from Borjomi in the South-Eastern direction, on the Northern slope of Trialeti range, at the confluence of rivers Gujaretistskali (Gujarula) and Bakuriani. Townlet is surrounded by high mountains covered with coniferous forests (spruce, fir, pine). From forest woodland, ‘Marijani’ and ‘Arjevanidze’ forests are distinguished. ‘Marijani” forest was named in honor of
a lady, Mariam Tkemaladze, who was a famous poet and had a penname of Marijani. She happened to have a dacha in Tsagveri where she hosted many outstanding representatives of the Georgian culture; ‘Arjevanidze’ forest bears the name of a public figure who founded the first school in Tsagveri in 1910. Like other villages of the community – Daba, Timotesubani and Mzetamze – Tsagveri
has the status of a health resort. Its natural treatment factors are as follows: transitional climate between lowland and highland,
moderately humid clean air permeated by coniferous aroma, and therapeutic waters rich with various minerals. Tsagveri is a resort for children. However, this area is wholesome also for those who can hardly weather high mountain climate due to poor health. In the end of XIX century when Borjomi resort infrastructure development was under way, natural conditions of Tsagveri also fell into focus. Treatment factors of resort were first studied by doctor Adolf Remmert who was chief of the Mineral Waters Administration in the governorate of Tbilisi, and in 1867 he submitted his report on the climate and mineral waters of Tsagveri to the Caucasus Medical Society. In the beginning of the XX century first signs of resort infrastructure appeared there, railway station, pharmacy,
trade point (dukani), small bakery (tone) and summer theater were built. In 1933 mother-and-child boarding house ‘Kechkhobi’ started
its operation in Daba. Sanatorium is operable even today and hosts vacationers in all four seasons around the year.
1. After construction of a railway segment Khashuri-Borjomi, in 1897, the Romanovs started construction of a new narrowgauge rail track Borjomi-Bakuriani. Amid construction process, near Tsagveri emerged the necessity of a bridge that Mikhail Romanov ordered to Alexander Gustave Eiffel. A bridge constructed by a great French architect was hauled to Georgia in 1902 and installed across the
river Tsemistskali. For the special purpose of running in highland districts, a steamengine locomotive of Porter brand was
brought from England and nicknamed here Kukushka (‘Cuckoo’, ‘Shunting engine’ in Russian). In spite of the fact that in 1967
steam-engine locomotive was changed for electric locomotive, nickname of Kukushka was nor forgotten by the people.
2. Eco-cottages in Timotesubani, 3 km away from Tsagveri.
Location: northern slope of Trialeti range, gorge of river Gujaretistskali
Distance: 20 km from Borjomi, 170 km away from Tbilisi
Sea level: 1020-1050 m
Climate: middle mountain (lower belt), winter cold, rather snowy, mean temperature in January -3,5 degrees centigrade; summer moderately warm, dry, mean temperature in August 18,3 degrees centigrade
Average annual precipitation: 585 mm
Average comparative annual humidity: 77%
Annual average number of sunlight hours: 2000 h.
Natural treatment factors: middle mountain, lower belt climate and carbohydrate, hydro-carbonate, magnesiumcalcium- sodium mineral waters containing iron 45 mg/dm3 with general mineralization of 3-5 g/dm3;
discharge: 34 thous. l/day
Types of therapy: passive and active climate therapy (air and sun exposure, walking, terrainkur), mineral water application (drinking)
Diseases for treatment: diseases of respiratory and cardiovascular systems, chronic gastritis, stomach and duodenum ulcer, colitis and enterocolitis, diabetes mellitus, iron deficit anemia.