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Resort Tsemi
Gorge of river Mtkvari from the village of Atskuri (South- West) until the village of Tashiskari (North-East) is called Borjomi gorge. The length of the gorge stretching on the slopes of Meskheti and Trialeti ranges, on the altitude from 800 to 1800m, is approximately 60 km and in historical Annals it is mentioned under moniker of Tori. Once densely populated Tori along with other Southern territories of Georgia was captured by the Ottomans in the end of XVI century. Population vacated this territory and found refuge in Zemo Kartli and Imereti. Only two centuries later when invaders were ousted from the gorge people started
to resettle in it. In 50-60-ies of the XIX century 205 households coming from Imereti and Kartli settled on the territory of Tori. In 1871 this territory became an estate of Grand Duke, Viceroy Mikhail Romanov and resort infrastructure started developing here. On March 7, 1918, Transcaucasia Sejm declared Borjomi gorge a state property. After establishment of Soviet rule, by decree of May 20, 1921, it was declared a resort of state importance. Tsemi and Patara (Small) Tsemi are resorts of Borjomi group. Both are situated on the left side of river Bakurianistskali (basin of river Mtkvari). One is 15 km away from Borjomi, another – 21 km. Both settlements are health resorts of middle mountains with coniferous forests distributed around them. Therefore, the best
therapeutic effect is May when pine-trees and spruce have period of florescence and a lot of plant dust is up in the air making positive impact on respiratory tract diseases. The first health improvement corner in Tsemi – children’s recreational
sanatorium was opened in 1904 under leadership of outstanding Georgian doctor and public figure, Vakhtang Gambashidze.
In Soviet times there were several sanatoria and children’s health centers in Tsemi. Today only one, ‘Mziuri’, is operated but
this fact does not make hurdles to holiday makers in Tsemi, as visitors are offered duly arranged family hotels creating secluded
environment and comfort.
1. Resort of Tsemi. There are many health resorts and health spa resorts and resort areas in Borjomi gorge including the whole of Borjomi municipality and partly its adjacent municipalities of Kareli, Kharagauli and Akhaltsikhe. These resorts are mentioned as Borjomi group resorts. The group is made up of the following resorts: Borjomi, Akhaldaba, Bakuriani, Tsemi, Tsikhisjvari, Chitakhevi, Kvishkheti,
Surami, Tba, Timotesubani, Tsagveri, Sadgeri, Libani, Mzetamze, Mitarbi, Plate, Vardevani… Resort area gains additional role through rich vegetation of Borjomi gorge. 2/3 of the gorge territory is covered with forests and woodlands distributing more than 1600 species of plants. The bulk of plants represented here are coniferous (spruce, pine and fir trees), deciduous (beech, maple, oak and birch trees) and mixed forests. On the elevation of 2100- 2200 m above sea level forests turn into sub-alpine meadows used for haymaking and grazing.
Location: northern slope of Trialeti range, Sadgeri plateau
Distance: 15 km away from Borjomi, 170 km away from Tbilisi
Sea level: 1120 m
Landscape: mountainous
Climate: middle mountain (lower belt), winter cold, rather snowy, mean temperature in January -4,2 degrees centigrade; summer warm, dry, mean temperature in August 18 degrees centigrade
Average annual precipitation: 550 mm
Average comparative annual humidity: 77%
Annual average number of sunlight hours: 2200 h. Natural treatment factor: climate of middle mountain, lower belt
Types of therapy: passive climate therapy
Diseases for treatment: cardiovascular system pathologies, bronchial asthma, functional and other diseases of nervous system, iron deficit anemia.

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