In Kakheti compared with other regions of Georgia resort areas are in less numbers, but in this respect Kvareli municipality is an exception. There are several springs of mineral water there. Village of Zinobiani is a spa resort situated on Alazani plain, several kilometers away from Kvareli. This small townlet was founded by small sub-ethnic group of Christian Albanians – Udians who had moved from Azerbaijan’s Nukhi district in 1924. Two types of mineral water flow on the surface from the ground in Zinobiani and are recommended first of all to heal musculoskeletal diseases. In Alazani plain’s community of Gremi there is one more mineral water spring. This is the village of Shakriani to which people gave the moniker of the ‘water for itching’ (among geographic names of Georgia there are frequent notices of micro place names mentioning springs curing itching). Shakriani mineral water with temperature attaining 26 degrees centigrade is used for therapy of joints, cardiovascular system, peripheral and vegetative nervous systems; it is also recommended for healing cystitis and chronic prostatitis, as well as endocrine obesity.
Location: Alazani river gorge, foot-hills of Southern slope of the main range of Kavkasioni
Distance: 40 km from Telavi, 160 km from Tbilisi.
Sea level: 450 m
Landscape: plain
Climate: moderately humid, winter mild, without cover of snow, mean temperature in January 1 degree centigrade; summer very warm, moderately humid, mean temperature in August 23-25 degrees centigrade
Average annual precipitation: 600-800 mm
Average comparative annual humidity: 72%
Duration of annual sunny light: 2300 h.
Natural treatment factors: climate of low mountains, slightly sulfide, hydro-carbonate-chloride, sodium-calcium mineral waters with general mineralization 0,9 g/dm3, and sub-thermal (+28 - +30 degrees) chloride-sodium, boric acid and iodine containing mineral waters with general mineralization of 8-9 g/dm3;
Discharge: 50 000 l/day
Types of treatment: mineral water baths, passive climate therapy
Diseases for treatment: musculoskeletal, peripheral nervous system and skin diseases as well as disorders of metabolism