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Rustaveli Theatre is an Official Host of the Third Welcome to Georgia! National Tourism Awards Ceremony
04 October, 2017

Dear friends, the time has come when the preparation for Welcome to Georgia! National Tourism Awards Ceremony entered in its active phase. Since not much has been left till the beginning of December, the month of joy and celebration, we are excited to announce that the Award Project will hold its Third Annual Ceremony in Rustaveli Theatre, traditionally, to determine the winners and recognize the best companies (other subjects) in the fields of tourism and hospitality of Georgia!

The venue of our event is one of the highlights of this year's Ceremony. Rustaveli Theatre is a landmark place with immense national and cultural value for Georgia, history of which traces back to 1879, when it was established by a special „dramatic committee“ made up of famous Georgian actors and writers along with cultural and political figures. In 1921, the building was renamed and called Rustaveli Theatre. 

Today, it represents serious theatre associated with high artistry, its talented actors and pioneering producers continue to collaborate on inquisitive, inspiring and modern productions. Distinguished by its youthful vigor and constant quest for new theatrical directions and forms, for more than a century Rustaveli Theatre has been the epicenter for Georgian national expression.

Exquisite culture, centuries old traditions and unique hospitality will come together in Rustaveli Theatre on the Third Official Ceremony of Welcome to Georgia! National Tourism Awards to celebrate success of Georgia! 

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