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“Ambassadori Kachreti“ - the closest hotel complex for rest
26 July, 2018

The temperature is slowly rising, the summer's hotest month is still ahead. Along with the rise of heat, the main locations of recreation goes out of the city. If you can't go far away from the city and want to get away from the monotony and city noise, then you should definitely visit the hotel complex "Ambassadori Kachreti", which is only 1 hour drive from Tbilisi. Here you will definitely find yourself in paradise, especially in summer, when the hotel offers a lot of innovations.

You can rest here, have fun, get tanned and do lots of activities. There is the professional golf course in the hotel, also the largest 800-seat banquet hall in the region, 12-seat villa, wine cellar, tennis courts, outdoor and indoor swimming pools, horse club and professional shooting area. All this is for the guests of any age to feel comfortable and to discover new abilities.

"Ambassadori Kachreti" became the largest hotel complex in the region. According to hotel marketing manager, the hotel needed to be expanded due to high demand.


For now the hotel has two buildings, which are different designs and concepts. In this season, the hotel offered a new building of different concept, where 106 modern design rooms are located. In total, "Ambassadori Kachreti" can receive 450 guests.

he hotel administration decided to offer a special price to the customers - the price of one person in the new building will be $55 in the weekdays and $75 on Saturday and Sunday. These special prices will be available during the summer season.

In the hot days of summer, most guests want to cool in the water and get tanned, so "Ambassadori Kachreti" meets the guests with European standards Olympic Pool, which is the only one in Kakheti region.

"Ambassadori Kachreti" tries to create maximum comfort for customers and give guests the opportunity to get any service in one area.

That's why we recommend to spend the hot days of summer in this fabulous place.

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