Mtatsminda Park hosted the International Festival of tea and honey, where was introduced unique types of tea and honey.
More than 20 local and importer companies and representatives from different countries took part in the Festival.

"Within the Festival we can see the annual progress in this area, new companies are coming and already existing ones are developing. Such events encourage keeping and developing traditions", - says Giorgi Khanishvili.

President of Georgian Tea Producers Association Tengiz Svanidze noted the importance of the Festival. He said that the Festival annually brings together more and more participants and promotes the industry.
The Festival was organized by the Ministry of Agriculture, Georgian Tea Producers Association and Mtatsminda Park. Economic growth of tea-planting areas, Implementation of joint economic regional projects, supporting local medium and small producers, promotion of natural tea among consumers in society and using the internal market are the main tasks of the Festival.