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Khino Monastic Complex

Khino Monastic Complex

The Khinotsminda Church is located in the village of Zemo Khino, on the bank of the Sakiria River. According to the oral tradition, Queen Tamar once held a feast in this village and the name “khino” was thus established there. The Khinotsminda church is built on the name of John the Baptist. The churchyard is surrounded with a cobblestone fence. The church dates back to the 10th-11th centuries. The history of formation of the Khinotsminda Eparchy is very interesting. It is connected with the centuries-old history of the Georgian Orthodox Church. There were three ecclesiastical districts in the Western Georgia – Lazika, Abkhazia and Jikheti including into the Patriarchate of Constantinople. Historical sources show that it was an Episcopal See. The church ceased existence after the Ottoman conquest. 

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