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Resort Ureki
The most famous Gurian seaside resort of Ureki is 20 km away from harbor of Poti. From the North and the South rivers Sepa and Supsa flow, and from the East it is surrounded by Tsvermagala mountain. On the site of today’s settlement was forest so dense and impassable that it was even difficult to herd predators out of the forest. That is why this place was called Ureki (‘no herding out’
in Georgian). Development of forest-dimmed territory has started since 1928. Cultivation of citrus trees and hauling of magnetite sand from the beach aiming at its use in metallurgical production and oil drilling were businesses developed in the settlement. As a result, of 4-5 m high magnetic sand dunes totally disappeared in 15 years. This process had also positive outcome, as the benefits of Ureki magnetite sand were noticed exactly by the quarry workers. Soon therapeutic properties of sand drew attention of the community, medical professionals and research centers. Atificially created magnetic field as physiotherapy means is widely used in today’s medicine. Impact of magnetic field improves the quality of biological processes under way in the human body; it has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and tissue-regeneration effect; it strengthens immunity of the body and facilitates longevity of life. Advantage of Ureki as a resort is the point that here we have naturally created low intensity magnetic field. Above that, we have here subtropical climate, sea, sun and unique sand having no clone in the world setting the best conditions for therapy and health improvement. Natural curing factors of Ureki are especially wholesome to deal with children’s ailments (spine and obstetric paralyses, remaining effects of poliomyelitis, rachitis) and rehabilitation of sportsmen.
1. One of the hotels in Ureki.
2. Pendant. Gold, black amber, glass, almandine. Unearthed in Ureki. Ureki archeological treasure dating Middle Bronze age (XVIII-XVI cc. BC) is the oldest discovered find on the territory of Georgia.
3. Seaside in Ureki
Location: South-Western part of Kolkheti lowland
Distance: 320 km away from Tbilisi
Sea level: 2-10 m
Climate: subtropical humid climate, winter mild, without snow, mean temperature in January 5,8 degrees, summer very warm, humid, mean temperature in August 23 degrees centigrade
Average annual precipitation: 2000-2100 mm
Average comparative annual humidity: 78%
Duration of annual sunny light: 2000 h.
Natural treatment factors: maritime climate and sea water, beach sand containing big amount of magnetite iron particles
Types of therapy: thalassotherapy, magnetite sand baths
Diseases for treatment: cardiovascular and central nervous system functional disorders, pulmonary (dry pleuritis) and musculoskeletal and endocrine system diseases.

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