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Tskhaltubo spa Resort
One of the Georgia’s most popular spa resorts – Tsqaltubo – is located in the central part of Western Georgia, 15 km away from
Kutaisi. Active recreational season here coincides with summer period. However, natural therapeutic factors enable holiday makers
to enjoy relevant services all around the year. The spa resort’s thermal-radon mineral springs have unique therapeutic properties – they cure up to sixty diseases. Mild, transparent odorless water is naturally warm (33-35 degrees), therefore its usage is possible without preliminary heating. Treatment here is conducted in complexity: patients, as needed, are prescribed mineral water baths, treatment work-outs, classical curing and underwater (hydro) massage, physiotherapy, electric therapy and other procedures. Tsqaltubo water is also beneficial for children suffering from rheumatism, poliomyelitis, cerebral paralysis. Tsqaltubo as a venue for therapy was known back in XII-XIII centuries. In the 1245-1250 Deed of Gelati Monastery it was mentioned as ‘Bathhouse located near Maglaki’. First information in European media on Tsqaltubo was published in 1782 in the digest of the works of Natural Science Society. Starting from the XIX century materials about miraculous mineral waters are intensively published in the media where Tsqaltubo is compared with famous European spa resorts of Wildbad (Germany) and Toeplitz (Czech Republic). In 1920 it became a state property and was officially awarded the status of a spa resort. In the course of the years many famous individuals spent time here. Among them are Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser (July, 1968); Soviet leader, Joseph Stalin, had a personal room in Tsqaltubo, which he visited in 1931 and 1951.
Location: banks of river Tsqaltubo (left tributary of river Gubistskali)
Distance: 15 km from Kutaisi, 221 km from Tbilisi.
Sea level: 95-120 m
Landscape: plain
Climate: subtropical, winter soft, without snow, mean temperature in January 5,3 degree centigrade; summer very warm, moderately humid, mean temperature in August 23,8 degrees centigrade
Average annual precipitation: 1700-1800 mm
Average comparative annual humidity: 73%
Duration of annual sunny light: 2000-2050 h.
Natural treatment factors: slightly radioactive (40-100 Bq/m3) radon, nitrogen, chloride-hydro-carbonate-sulphuric,
sodium-calcium-magnesium mineral waters with general mineralization of 0,7-0,9 g/dm3, temperature 35-37 degrees centigrade; karst caves. Water discharge: 20 mil. l/day
Types of therapy: mineral water baths, inhalation and speleotherapy Diseases for treatment: musculoskeletal system, nervous,
cardiovascular and gynecological diseases and endocrine system pathologies, etc.


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