Village of Abano is one of the oldest settlements in the heart of Kartli, in the gorge of river Prone, proved by uncovered on its territory settlement ruins, burial ground and remnants of a fortress dating back to Bronze, Iron and late feudal ages. The moniker ‘Abano’ (‘Bathhouse’ in Georgian) was given to the place thanks to curing properties of the mineral water used by the residents of this area for treatment of various diseases. In the historical Annals Abano was first mentioned in the XVI c. Vakhushti Batonishvili gives the
following report on the curing effect of Abano: “Abano flows warm water, cures from stale air and skin rash”. By the end of XVIII c. Abano along with other hamlets of the river Prone gorge became also totally uninhabited due to non-stop incursions of tribes from Northern Caucasus. However, it got on its feet and today it is famous for its curing waters and springs. On the plain of Shida Kartli, in the Kareli municipality, there are some other resort areas. From this point the gorge of river Dzama is standing out. In the 40 km-long gorge of river Dzama there are several resort areas, more than 50 monuments of cultural heritage and natural sights.
1. Bateti Lake. Batetistskali river gorge (basin of river Dzama). Elevation from sea level 1313 m, surface area - 0,02,
storage area - 5, deepest spot - 12 m. Surrounded by mixed forest. Environs of the Lake and Batetistskali gorge is considered medical profile health resort preventing diseases and curing respiratory and nervous disorders. Resort area is also covered by the tributary of river Dzama – gorge of Tkemlovanistskali river noted for its carbohydrate mineral water.
2. River Dzama rises on the height of 2140 m, on the Northern slope of Trialeti range, taking en route waters of several tributaries and merges with river Mtkvari near Kareli. In spite of the elevation of the gorge, it was densely populated during centuries. Outstanding cultural monuments of the gorge are as follows: architectural compound in the gorge of river Tkemlovani consisting of 5 churches in Kozifa (Gugomi), hosting today a monastery; a nunnery and towers in Ortubani; ancient churches and monasteries in Gverdzineti; monastic complex and monastery embedded in the rock adjacent to the settlement Elbakiani; monastery of Kveda Shuano (sea level 1800 m); built-in complex in Abukhalo rock, and many others. There is a waterfall of 25 m height near Abukhalo. From the gorge there is a walking path ascending to the mountain Bardzimjvari (2255 m) wherefrom panoramic picturesque views of Shida Kartli open up.
Location: Kareli municipality, riverbed of river Lopanistskali
Distance: 115 km away from Tbilisi, 25 km away from Kareli
Sea level: 680 m
Landscape: plain-hillocky
Climate: low mountain, moderately dry, winter moderately cold, with little snow, mean temperature in January -1,2 degrees; summer warm, moderately dry, mean temperature in August 20,2 degrees centigrade
Average annual precipitation: 400-500 mm
Average comparative annual humidity: 74%
Duration of annual sunny light: 2200 h.
Natural treatment factors: low mountain climate and sulphuric-hydrogen chloride-hydro-carbonate, calcium-sodium mineral water with general mineralization 0,7 g/dm3
Types of therapy: mineral water baths, passive climate therapy
Diseases for treatment: cardiovascular, respiratory and musculoskeletal system, as well as gynecological diseases, cystitis and chronic prostatitis, endocrine obesity, functional disorders of nervous system.