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Resort Akhtala

In the Gurjaani municipality, in Akhtala cavity is situated the most famous therapeutic mud quarry. There are nine outlets of therapeutic mud on the area of 4-5 hectares in Akhtala which are closely connected with each other, although they never act together. From the crater of a volcano in the depth of 250 m, mud and fuel gas come out of the ground and carry also small amount of fluid oil. In most of cases 3-4 hillocks are simultaneously active. When one is active, the second and the third weakens or ceases activity altogether… The mud itself is of grey color and has fluid consistency; it includes mineral water, fragments of silicate crystals and colloidal splinters. Day-and-night discharge of the mud makes up 37-47 m3. Its unit weight changes in sync with content of water and atmospheric precipitation. Temperature of mud is also changeable and it depends on the temperature of air. That is why the mud is the warmest in July and August and the coldest – in December and January.

Beneficial impact of Akhtala mud on diverse diseases was known to the population centuries ago. One of the first evidence on Akhtala can be found in Vakhushti Batonishvili work: “Between Jerem and Vejini and to the North of Vejini, at the foot of the slope, is Akhtala which is said to be a settlement doomed to capsize. Tar is emitting, seems to be boiling.” It is interesting that facts passed on by Vakhushti on Akhtala as village ‘doomed to capsize’ is live among local residents even today. In their words, many times ago there was a big earthquake here that took village to the hell. In place of a village, a lake was formed. According to hearsay, Akhtala mud carries sometimes various household utensils – oars, hatchets or saddle belly-bands.
The first therapy building in Akhtala was constructed back in 1836. It was a unit of Tbilisi military hospital. Mud therapy turned out to be so effective that it was decided to build a permanent therapeutic center.
Nowadays Akhtala mud is in intensive use at Tbilisi Spa Resort. It is planned to revive old infrastructure and renovate the resort in Akhtala itself.

1. Akhtala is a pelloid-health resort, because climate factors are also beneficial for therapeutic and preventive purposes, along with curing mud.
2. Marani (wine cellar) of a winehouse ‘Gurjaani’ is home to a satsnakheli (special wooden tub to press grapes) made two centuries ago in which even today grapes is pressed for wine. There are also old kvevri (clay vats) where wine of diverse varieties is kept. Georgian wine pressed here or otherwise manufactured (in households or in a winery) can be tasted by all guests of marani.
Location: Alazani Vally, the foot-hill of North-Eastern slope of Tsiv-Gombori range
Distance: 25 km from Telavi, 145 km from Tbilisi.
Elevation from Sea level: 410-430 m
Landscape: plain
Climate: moderately continental, winter mild, mean temperature in January 0,9 degrees centigrade; summer very warm, mean temperature in August 23 degrees centigrade
Average annual precipitation: 741 mm
Average comparative annual humidity: 72 %
Duration of annual sunny light: 2100-2200 h.
Natural treatment factors: climate of low mountains and mud of pseudo-volcanic origin
Types of treatment: mud baths (general and local), vaginal and rectal tampons, passive climate therapy
Diseases for treatment: musculoskeletal diseases, peripheral nervous and urinary and sexual system diseases

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