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Resort Kokotauri
Keda municipality is situated on the middle body of river Adjaristskali, among Khelvachauri, Kobuleti and Shuakhevi municipalities. In its Southern part, on the Shuakhevi slope, runs Georgia-Turkey state border. Mountainous Keda is rich with various useful mineral resources (brick clay, decoration stones, timber, copper, gold and non-ferrous metals) as well as mineral and therapeutic waters the most famous among which is Kokotauri mineral water branded by the people as ‘Water of Immortality’. In 1972 it was bottled while in 1998 it was exposed in one of the exhibitions in Paris and was awarded first place and Gold medal. In 2012 started bottling of one more slightly mineralized water, Gundauri. The outlet of Gundauri water is located in Keda district, at the foot-hill of Northern slope of Shavsheti range, on the left bank of river Merisi (left tributary of river Adjaristskali), and is used for curing alimentary tract and diabetes mellitus diseases.
1. Keda municipality is considered to be a hotbed of wine-making in Adjara. To the high-level of viticulture in the district point out stone monolith satsnakheli (grapes pressing tub) dating to more than two millennia, and huge kvevri (clay vat for keeping wine in the ground) still keeping wine poured in them centuries ago, uncovered by archeological excavations. From more than 40 varieties of grapes distributed in Adjara the biggest space of plantations take varieties of Chkhaveri and Tsolikauri. Chkhaveri variety is used for producing sparkling wines while Tsolikauri material is used in manufacturing local and European type dry table and semi-sweet wines.
2. Interior of wooden mosque in Agara. Kokotauri community. In the course of more than 200-year domination of Turks many Adjarans managed to preserve their language and national quiddity but changed their faith. Therefore, there are tens of mosques in Adjara where typical features of Islamic and Georgian cultures are conjoined.
Location: gorge of river Adjaristskali, South-East of Batumi
Distance: 10 km away from Keda, 50 km from Batumi, 420 km from Tbilisi
Sea level: 680 m
Landscape: mountainous
Climate: low mountainous subtropical climate
Average annual precipitation: 1500 mm
Average comparative annual humidity: 77%
Annual average number of sunlight hours: 1900 h.
Natural treatment factors: low mountain climate and carbohydrate, sulphuric-hydro-carbonate, sodiummagnesium- calcium (and magnesium-calcium) mineral waters with general mineralization 2,4-3,2 g/dm3;
discharge: 12 thous. l/day
Types of therapy: application (drinking) of mineral water, passive climate therapy
Diseases for treatment: chronic gastritis, stomach and duodenum ulcers, infectious hepatitis, chronic pancreatitis

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