Turtle Lake is located in the South-Western direction from downtown, on the Northern slope of Mtastminda mountain range. It was formed by underground torrents accumulated as a result of staggering landslides of rocks. The length of the Lake is 180 m, width – 50 m, surface area – 0,034 sq.m, catchment area – 0,4 sq.m, mean depth – 70 sm. In summertime Turtle Lake is a beloved place of social interaction and leisure time for the residents of Tbilisi. Swimming season at Turtle Lake starts with arrival of summer. Along with comfortable beach and outdoor cafes and bars, there is a sports fitness center and a cultural and leisure complex on the territory of Turtle Lake,
including, but not limited to, mini-soccer stadium of European standards, playground for children, landing and a pontoon-scene for professional performances where various events take place during a season. There was a cable way from the center of the city to the Turtle Lake which was constructed in the second half of the XX century
and was operable till 2009. The main purpose of the cable way was to link the center of the city with the Turtle Lake. The distance between station points is approximately 1140 m. The upper station of the cable way is located on the bank of Turtle Lake, at elevation of 700 m above sea level, the lower one is in Vake park, at elevation of 444 m above sea level.
Location: city of Tbilisi, Northern slope of Mtatsminda mountain range
Distance: 10 km from Tbilisi center
Elevation above Sea level: 687 m
Landscape: hillocky plateau
Climate: mild, continental, moderately dry, winter mild with few snowfalls, mean temperature in January 0,6 degrees centigrade; summer hot, dry, mean temperature in August
22,1 degrees centigrade
Mean annual amount of precipitation: 513 mm
Duration of annual sunny light: 2500 h.