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Six projects to be implemented within Tbilisi City Halls new green plan
17 September, 2021

Tbilisi City Hall’s new plan to green the city includes the creation of new parks, new forests, greening more districts, reducing air pollution and introducing a new waste collection system, said Tbilisi Mayor Kakha Kaladze earlier today when presenting the new environmental policy of the city.

The six new projects that are planned to be implemented during the next four years are:

  • Creation of 15 new parks
  • Green City project - at least 300,000 plants will be planted in Tbilisi
  • Tbilisi Forest project - forests will be cultivated on 200 ha territory and will cover Mtatsminda, Tbilisi Sea, Makhata Mount, Nutsubidze and Jikia slopes
  • Green Your District - as part of the project Tbilisi City Hall will plant new plants in front of the residential buildings and the residents will take care of new green spaces
  • Reducing air dust by about 15%
  • Introducing separate waste collection system

Of the planned 15 parks, nine will be new. The remaining six are old parks that need renovation.

The nine new parks are:

  1. Gorgasali boulevard - 100,000 m2
  2. Digomi floodplains recreation park - 150,000 m2
  3. Tbilisi Sea district park - 240,000 m2
  4. Vazisubani park - 190,000 m2
  5. Tbilisi Sea boulevard - 300,000 m2
  6. Military Town park - 110,000 m2
  7. Tbilisi Central Park - 210,000 m2
  8. Gldani small lake - 30,000 m2
  9. Avtchala park - 30,000 m2

The six old parks which will be renovated are:

  • Digomi forest - 210,000 m2
  • Dendrological park - 1.6 million m2
  • Tsitsishvili park - 20,000 m2
  • Vera park - 40,000 m2
  • Sarajishvili boulevard - 35,000 m2
  • Samgori park - 20,000 m2

In addition, Tbilisi City Hall officials announced that the concrete islands that divide city roads will be greened and all diseased green plants will be replaced with new ones in Tbilisi.

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