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Ruispiri Biodynamic Vineyard
Ruispiri Biodynamic Vineyard
Category: Wine Manufacturers and cellars
Region: Kakheti
Address: Telavi, Village Ruispiri
Phone: 557 51 11 55


LLC Irricult Ge, biodynamical farm in Ruispiri, produces biowine in the village of Ruispiri, Telavi District.

The company founder and director Giorgi Aladashvili launched biodynamic winegrowing in 2014. He owns vineyards  in Switzerland and Georgia. Giorgi Aladashvili has arranged vineyards on 2 hectares and plans to expand the space to 5 hectares.

This is a unique experience, because the businessman applies  biodynamical methods, sprays grapes without chemicals, uses extracts of boiled oak crust, willow, nettle, horse-tail, onion leaves, lily. He uses a horse as workforce. He uses harvested grapes in Qvevri to make wines by traditional method.

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01 February, 2018
LLC Irricult Ge, biodynamical farm in Ruispiri, produces biowine in the village of Ruispiri, Telavi District. The company founder and director Giorgi Aladashvili launched biodynamic...

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